Cherry, Plum & Almond Galette

Cherries is for summer… I miss summer, not that England has much of a summer any ways. We have cold like 24/7 and at the moment it is cold. Cold and wet. Not England at it’s coldest, but cold. These cherries remind me of summer, warmer and longer days, eating ice cream (even though I […]

Difference Between: Galette &+ Tart

What is the difference between  galette and tart. Both have their similiarities, but they are both different products. Let me explain… A Ga-who. A galette. Say it with me Gah-Lette. Yup you got it. What is a galette you my ask??  Well the galette is the ever so humble free form tart. No tins, no […]

Pastry Affair

Heaven In A Mouthful

Chasing Delicious

Heaven In A Mouthful

Cupcake Project

Heaven In A Mouthful


Heaven In A Mouthful

Poires au Chocolat

Heaven In A Mouthful

raspberri cupcakes

Heaven In A Mouthful